
Showing posts from March, 2020

Day 11 | We love Joe Wickes!!!

Today's post is a joint effort from all three of us, about why we love Joe Wickes! Joe is a really cool fitness coach and since we've not been able to go school he has been doing PE for everyone on his YouTube Channel.  Every morning at 9am he does a PE class that we can all do in our living rooms. It is a lot of fun but hard work. There is a warm up and then a circuit of exercise makes up the main bit. (Mum says its a bit like a HIIT workout, she also trained as a personal trainer with the same training provider as Joe.) We really enjoy the spot the difference he does in the background and its fun to try and guess what has changed.  We keep trying to get a shout out but he hasn't spotted our message yet, but we are hoping we might get one soon. We are really loving our workouts with Joe and wish he could be our real P.E. teacher. You can also do P.E. with Joe by going to YouTube channel The Body Coach.

Day 10 | The start of a new week

I t's our tenth day of learning at home and our 14th day of self-isolating with our Mum and Dad. We didn't do much today as Theo was at his dad's but here is the bits we did get up to. ELLA: Today I have been looking at what badges I can do for Guides while I'm not at school. Guides is really fun and you can do all sorts of things. When we were looking at goals on Friday I decided to do a goal where I achieve 10 badges by the end of the year. The first badge I am going to do is confectionery. I was learning about the different types of confectionery today. I'm looking forward to doing more of this badge as I get to make all kinds of sweet treats. I'm missing going to Guides as most of my friends do guides so i'm not lonely. We also play games like bull dog, tag, hide and seek and we learn lots of cool stuff. I LOVE GUIDES its so much fun.  THEO: I have had a chilled weekend with my Dad, we watched a lot of football stuff and played on the X-box. I also...

Day 9 | Some thoughts on home-schooling and Covid-19

ELLA: Covid-19 is an illness that is going around all over the world. It has affected lots of things like not going outside, self-isolating, and having to stay away from people. It is hard, this is some of my experience. My Mum has a chronic illness so we started self-isolating before my friends at school did. We are now home-schooled, its interesting and my Mum teaches us about a lot of different things. I like how she makes everything fun and interesting, but she does make us work hard too. Me and my brother can't walk to the shop anymore and that makes me sad as we had only just been allowed to do so. I also can't go to Guides. We go on walks sometimes but even that isn't as fun as it used to be. We have to keep our distance from people and no one seems to say hello anymore. We also can't touch anything so can't run ahead to open gates and things. Once we get home we have to wash our hands straight away and then my Mum washes the door handle down. I...

Day 8 of Learning at Home

Hi, We are Theo (aged 9), Henry (aged 9) and Ella (aged 11). Like every other kid in the country we are currently doing all of our learning at home because of Coronavirus. Our Mum said that we should keep a diary of how we feel and what we get up to as this will be something that makes the history books. After a blogging friend gave her the idea, we all decided that a blog would be a good way to share what we are up to each day. This blog will mainly be written by Theo and Ella, and checked by our Mum, Henry will tell someone what he would like them to write. So here is our first post... Day 8 of Learning at Home ELLA: I enjoyed a few things about my day today. Our first lesson was looking round upstairs and doing a tally chart of the materials used. We then created a graph to see which was the most used material. We also did a horrible spring fractions riddle sheet and it was really hard, I didn't enjoy it.  I enjoyed sitting outside and having a cup of te...