Day 9 | Some thoughts on home-schooling and Covid-19

ELLA: Covid-19 is an illness that is going around all over the world. It has affected lots of things like not going outside, self-isolating, and having to stay away from people. It is hard, this is some of my experience.

My Mum has a chronic illness so we started self-isolating before my friends at school did. We are now home-schooled, its interesting and my Mum teaches us about a lot of different things. I like how she makes everything fun and interesting, but she does make us work hard too. Me and my brother can't walk to the shop anymore and that makes me sad as we had only just been allowed to do so. I also can't go to Guides.

We go on walks sometimes but even that isn't as fun as it used to be. We have to keep our distance from people and no one seems to say hello anymore. We also can't touch anything so can't run ahead to open gates and things. Once we get home we have to wash our hands straight away and then my Mum washes the door handle down.

I'm happy that it has been warm this week, as it has meant we can spend more time in the backyard. Mum has said that she will try and get us a table for outside so we can sometimes do our work there.

I'm trying not to panic about Covid-19 but I do worry my Mum might get really poorly if she was to get it. That's why I am happy to wash my hands, and even though I'm sad at being stuck indoors alot and not seeing my friends I will do it to stop my Mum catching it.

THEO: Today we did Joe Wickes PE. I am really happy that Joe Wickes is teaching us P.E. on YouTube as it is really fun and a cool way to start the day. Mum wasn't feeling very well this morning and so we did P.E. with my Nan.

After P.E. we did a bit more on the plant project and learned a bit about the different parts of a plant. Then Mum got up and as she had breakfast we did a worksheet on different goals. I made mine all about football. Here are my goals:

  • 1 week - to be able to do 6 keepyups
  • 1 month - to be able to do a plank for a minute and 10 keepyups
  • 1 year - to play for the local town football team
  • 5 years - to play for the Manchester United Academy
Picking the goals was easy but deciding how to make them happen was hard. I was happy that Mum and Aaron helped me. 

I am excited as I am able to go to my Dad's tonight. I was really sad when Mum said I wouldn't be able to go. I think people are really stupid for not staying inside.

HENRY (as told to Ella & Theo): I enjoyed going on a walk today. I like  home-school to. I did maths with Nana Jill and did lots of colouring. The best thing was doing P.E. with Joe. 


  1. Hi Ella, Theo and Henry. Loved reading your Blog. My children who are Katie 15, Hannah 13, twins Christopher and Johnathan 8 also miss going to the shop and have been playing football in the back garden whilst it was sunny. They were actually excited doing school work today, I think they actually miss it! Well done on the hand washing, Christopher has to be reminded lots and lots as he hates washing his hands. Looking forward to reading more Blogs from Cheryl. Take care xxx


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