How to make an English cup of tea

Did you see the TikTok video of the American lady who made a cup of hot British tea? We wish we hadn't but Mum and Daddy made us. 

Here is a link incase you want to suffer as we did - sad times.

Everyone in our family loves a cuppa or a brew as we call it. We love our way of making tea so if you want to know what we use to make tea here it is.

This tea is called builders brew.

The things you need are:

Sugar or sweetener 



Tea bags 

Mug (or cup, you get more when you use a mug!)

How we make it.

First we fill the kettle with water and we let it boil 

After we put a tea bag in the mug and we poor the hot water on

We wait at least 5 minutes 

After we take the tea bag out

We put the sugar/ sweetener 

Then we put the milk in 

Stir it

DONE! That's how you make a proper cup of tea 

There are other types of tea that Mum sometimes drinks such as herbal tea, green tea, early grey tea, but she only has them occasionally.


Why we love it

Theo:It's way better than americans! And because it taste delicious 

Ella: because it's a nice drink to have and it makes me feel happy 

Henry: I love it, its tasty


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