10 Amazing Facts about Yoga

Today we would like to talk about yoga and why it makes us feel better when our emotions get out of control. We will be saying 10 amazing facts about yoga as well. 

We watched a video about yoga, and it felt really nice during the yoga and felt even better after.

Why yoga helps with emotion:

The physical focus helps bring to surface your subconscious emotions. While yoga can be a physically intense activity, the poses and asanas of a practice can bring your brain into a deeply focused, neutral state. ... Yoga gives your mind a way to process the feelings we bury and push aside.

Here is the link to the video we watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v4C-gxOE0j7s

10 amazing facts about yoga:

1. It reduces heart disease:

According to Dr. Helene Glassberg, cardiologist at the Penn Heart and Vascular Center, “Yoga, like other forms of exercise, can improve your cholesterol and blood sugar levels by improving metabolism, and can lower blood pressure by improving artery relaxation.”

2. Yoga can increase lifespan:

. Yoga takes joints through their full range of motion, which helps joint cartilage receive fresh nutrients, prevents wear and tear, and protects underlying bones. This also helps prevent degenerative arthritis and mitigates disability.

3. yoga has been around for 5000 years

The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago. ... The Upanishads took the idea of ritual sacrifice from the Vedas and internalized it, teaching the sacrifice of the ego through self-knowledge, action (karma yoga) and wisdom (jnana yoga).

4. there are over 300 poses

5. yoga can lead to injury:

Many people feel discomfort, tension, or pain in the knees during a yoga class. This is primarily due to tight hips or preexisting injuries.

6. doing yoga every day for at least half an hour is good for you:

If you want to gain many of the benefits of yoga – including improved strength, concentration and flexibility – 2-3 half hour sessions each week is a good place to start. 

7. the best time to do yoga is in the morning before breakfast:

 Doing yoga in the morning creates an incredibly high vibration of energy throughout your entire being that will stay with you all day long. 

8. you should not only do yoga as an exercise you should do more:

Doing only yoga isn’t enough for some people you could also go on a walk, do sports ect

9. yoga is one of the oldest exercises in the world

10. yoga came from India 

What we think about yoga?

Ella: I like yoga, after it it makes me feel calm.

Theo: i think it's really cool, it makes me feel happy.

                                              Hope you enjoyed today's blog

                                                        By Ella and Theo


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