1st May 2020

It's May the start of a new month and we are still in lock down! We have all found it really hard to get into any kind of routine since the Easter holidays which is why we haven't been really sharing anything here on the blog.

Henry hasn't wanted to do any learning at all and because Mum hasn't been feeling very well we have just been doing Joe Wickes and BBC Bitesize lessons.

So from next week, Mum and Daddy have suggested we use the blog to research and share about a daily topic that we will agree on at tea-time the day before.

Sometimes both of us will write the post together and on other days it will be either Theo or Ella. As Henry is pretty much refusing to learn we won't worry him with the blog until he wants to take part again.

We are both super excited about sharing our daily topics with you all and hope it helps with your learning to.

Ella & Theo xxx


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