10 things kids can do when their worried

During covid 19 lots of kids have been worried (about family, friends, school ect) so here are 10 things kids can do when they're worried or anxious.

10 things kids can do when there worried or anxious:

1 Use a calming pebble (think of a memory or feeling when you're in your happy place and rub or stroke the pebble and focus on your breathing).

2 Play with your pet 

3 Play with a teddy/toy

4 Talk to a parent/guardian 

5 Do yoga 

6 Do some colouring on an app or on paper 

7 Eat something 

8 Write down your worry and put it in a box or give it to your parent or guardian 

9 Breath slowly 

10 Smell something you like for example: fruit, flowers, food ect 

                  That's the things you can do we have tried some of these and it helped.

                                             Bye from Ella and Theo


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