Jodrell Bank

Jodrell Bank is in Macclesfield, Cheshire. It was built in 1957 by Sir Bernard Lovell. When it was built the Lovell telescope was the largest in the world and cost £750,000.

It is a world famous radio observatory and the UK's latest UNESCO World Heritage Site and an icon for British science and engineering. 

For the last 75 years, the pioneering scientists and researchers at Jodrell Bank have been at the forefront of the quest for understanding, and at the heart of ground-breaking discoveries and world-leading research.

Each year the Bluedot festival takes place at Jodrell Bank and it is a mix of music and science. It looks really cool and we would love to go one year. Sadly due to the pandemic it is not going to be happening this year.

Jodrell Bank is closed to the public due to lockdown but there are still lots of fun activities that we as kids can take part in such as -

#CaptureTheMoon a really simple photography challenge where you take a photo of the moon and then share it on social media with @JodrellBank using the hashtag.

#RainbowsOfHope you can learn all about the visible light spectrum on the Jodrell Bank website which is really cool as most kids have decorated a rainbow for their window.

#WatchTheSkies is another challenge you can take part in as part of Jodrell Banks science learning at home, there is lots of fun activities.


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