The Lunar Cycle

The lunar cycle is the moon but in different shapes the reason it's in different shapes is because it depends on where the sun and Earth is so if part of the moon is facing the sun it's lighter and darker when part of  the moon is facing the Earth.

Here is the lunar cycle:

New moon (day 0): In this phase the moon lies between Earth and the sun.The part of the moon that faces Earth is fully in shadow,and so for a few days it cannot be seen at all.

Waxing Crescent(days 1-6):A few days later the moon has moved positions where a thin sliver of its surface is lit up.In this phase the moon is visible for a few hours around after sun sets.

First Quarter(day 7):Senem days (about one quarter)into the lunar cycle, half the moon's face appears lit up.In this phase the moon can be seen from the afternoon until midnight.

Waxing gibbous(days 8-13):The intermediate between the moon being half-and fully lit up called “gibbous”. A waxing gibbous moon can be seen from late afternoon until early morning hours.

First half of the lunar cycle 

During nights 0-14 of the lunar cycle on each successive night the sun lit area of the moon gradually increases it is said to be”waxing”.Each night at sunset  the moon is further east, and can be seen in the sky 50 minutes longer before it sets.

Full moon(days 14-15):We see the moon fully illuminated when it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun.In this phase it is visible from sunset to sunrise.

Waning gibbous(days 16-21):The next phase is the waning gibbous.In this phase the moon rises between sunset and midnight and remains visible until a few hours after sunset.

Third quarters(day 22):Three quarters of the way through the lunar cycle, the moons face is half lit up again.In this phase it rises at about midnight and if visible until noon.

Waning crescent(days 23 to 28):In the waning crescent phase, the moon rises a few hours before sunrise.Once the sun rises it tends to fade quickly due to the sun’s glare.

Second half of the lunar cycle

In the second half of the lunar cycle comprising nights 15-28 on each successive night an area of the moon is sunlit-as seen from the Earth-gradually diminishes and the moon is to be “waning”as its position in the sky sifts eastwards a little every 24 hours during this part its visible 50 minutes less every night,because it progressively becomes bolted by the glare of the sun.

Here are our diagrams we drew of the lunar cycle


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